New Seller Profiles: Customer figures and a 'typical' Chinese seller

By carebear,
This week we feature three companies in our in-depth look at gold farmers. Let's start with two of the top 20 gold sellers in terms of revenue:

Lewt is rather well known. At least by the 35,000 people who bought from them so far according to PayPal. More numbers and comparisons are available in our short report on the site.

Another well-known seller is Guy4Game who reported to have served 100,000 distinct customers with a staff of 150. More details are available on the seller's review page.

Both are said to have a significant portion of their administration offshore - Guy4Game in Malaysia, Lewt in Singapore. According to available traffic and reported business data, Lewt is roughly three times the size of Guy4Game. However, at this point this information could not be verified and thus hasn't been included in the companies' profile pages yet.

A much smaller seller with a very different business model is GMBar. His profile and an interview tells the story of a Chinese entrepreneur who decided to give RMT a shot.

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